教师 Resources for Teaching and Advising

Frostburg State University is a student-centered teaching and learning institution featuring experiential opportunities. The University offers students a distinctive and distinguished baccalaureate education along with a select set of applied master’s and doctoral programs. Frostburg serves regional and statewide economic and workforce development; promotes cultural enrichment, 公民责任, and sustainability; and prepares future leaders to meet the challenges of a complex and changing global society. (FSU使命宣言)

College of Arts, 人文学科, 和社会 & 行为科学 is committed to promoting and supporting activities of educational distinction. Two-thirds of FSU students are enrolled in a College of Arts, 人文学科, 和社会 & 行为科学 major, and two-thirds of FSU faculty reside in College of Arts, 人文学科, 和社会 & 行为科学. In 2018, nearly 75% of undergraduate degrees awarded at FSU were in a College of Arts, 人文学科, 和社会 & 行为科学 major. College of Arts, 人文学科, 和社会 & 行为科学 faculty teach in multiple modalities using current best practices in their respective fields, and frequently employ active and experiential learning strategies and cutting-edge technology. Many faculty are involved in several programs at FSU to promote professional development in teaching.

This page serves as a quick start guide for teaching in College of Arts, 人文学科, 和社会 & 行为科学. 教师 should 参考 教师手册 and their department chair for more details.


A syllabus is required for every course. A paper or electronic copy of the syllabus must be distributed to each student in the class by the second class period. 除了, two copies (either paper or electronic) must be given to the department’s administrative assistant (one copy to be retained by the department and available for review by prospective students, and one copy for University files).

A syllabus template can be found on the 大学形式 page. All University syllabus requirements can be found in the 教师手册.

Center for Teaching Excellence

Many College of Arts, 人文学科, 和社会 & 行为科学 faculty participate in events sponsored by the Center for Teaching Excellence at FSU and serve on its advisory board. CTE provides a Canvas site with resources for all university faculty.

Instructional Design and Technology

Instructional Design and Technology offers support for instructors at FSU teaching online or in person, including tech support for a variety of instructional software, instructional support especially for online learning, 课程回顾, and memberships to Maryland Distance Learning Association and Quality Matters.

Academic Affairs: 在线 Learning at FSU

College of Arts, 人文学科, 和社会 & 行为科学 offers many courses online, including the entirely online undergraduate and graduate Nursing programs. The Provost's Office provides an extensive resource for online learning, including online policies and guidelines.


Incidents of student misconduct (e.g. 学术欺骗, disorderly conduct) can be reported to the Office of Student Affairs using one of several forms linked above. 


Office of Student Affairs offers the following resources for faculty to help students in distress: 


Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Information regarding FERPA compliance can be found in the following places:

Student 可访问性 Services

Student 可访问性 Services offers a range of services for students with disabilities to provide equal access to educational opportunity. Students may request a disability accommodation. 


Frostburg State University 教师 have obligations to report sexual misconduct, 虐待儿童, 和忽视. For details on specific reporting obligations, 报告程序, and helping students in distress, 参考 教师手册, 性别平等办公室,和 大学警察 (for reporting 虐待儿童 和忽视).