

Share your passion for the written word.

Explore some of the tools and techniques available to writing teachers, plus the latest opinions from the academic world, before diving into real introductory-level classrooms to learn by doing.

A 写作教学 emphasis combines in-depth lessons with classroom activities to help you make the most of this highly experiential program. FSU’s emphasis centers on a practicum course that highlights both the theories and realities of the teaching of writing.  

This program makes a superb addition to the academic careers of College of Education students and 英语 majors, as well as anyone else with an interest in teaching. Students majoring in 英语 can earn the emphasis with just two practicum classes!


写作教学 Program Highlights

  •  Improve your own writing skills by studying how to teach others the basics of good writing.

  • Gain experience in real classrooms, observing talented teachers and mentoring students one-on-one.

  • Explore the wide variety of methods, 趋势, philosophies and issues involved in the teaching of writing through case studies and scholarly articles.

  • Take experiential learning to the next level with the option to lead an 英语 101 class for a day.

What can I do with a teaching of writing degree?


Median pay for high school teachers (BLS 2021)





Professionals trained in the teaching of writing have improved prospects both as writers themselves and as teachers if they pursue teacher education or licensure. Public school educators are typically required to have a state-issued certificate or license in teaching. The availability of new teaching positions varies by region, enrollment and budgets, although rapid turnover in some areas can mean greater opportunities for a well-trained educator. For more information on possible careers in education, check out the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ pages on Education, Training and 图书馆 Occupations.


Dive into the teaching of writing with professors who have built careers in teaching others how to write well. You'll shadow 英语 101 teachers throughout the semester and learn by watching skilled teachers in action. 
You'll have the opportunity to take courses such as a practicum in the teaching of writing, an introduction of 英语 linguistics and critical writing about literature. 

A Frostburg State education: more valuable than ever.

With nationally recognized academic programs, real-world learning experiences, a top-notch support system, and a thriving student life, Frostburg State is a place where you can discover yourself, 确定你的目标, and prepare for your future.

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