


  • Advising the CLA director on the activities, publications, budget, and goals of the Center
  • Increasing the readership of the Centers’ publications and attendance at Center events
  • 加强融资
  • 发展与艺术和教育团体的重要联盟
  • Advocating the value and importance of creative writing and the genres of contemporary poetry, 小说, 儿童文学, 创造性非小说类
  • 促进公众讨论
  • Volunteering and organizing other volunteers to serve the goals of the CLA



Originally from New York, 罗伯特Spahr relocated to the Frostburg area in 2006. 被聘为FSU媒体关系校长助理, Robert spends his free time writing 小说 and supporting the literary arts in Frostburg. An alumnus of the FSU Creative Writing program, he is a former president of FSU’s 3 a.m. Society and has served on the 顾问委员会 at the 文学艺术中心 since 2013. His 小说 and poetry have appeared in Bittersweet and Backbone Mountain Review. You can find Robert at many readings and literary events sponsored by the Center in and around Frostburg.

Lea Messman Mandicott

主任,刘易斯·J. 支持库

Dr. Lea Messman-Mandicott只得了B.A. 历史学硕士和图书馆学硕士.L.S.纽约州立大学(State University of New York at Geneseo)学位. 她完成了学业。.2012年获得西弗吉尼亚大学教育领导学博士学位. Lea began her career as a library faculty member at Clemson University in South Carolina where she held the position of Bibliographic Instruction Coordinator. 从那里她搬回了她的家乡纽约州, where she accepted a position as Reference and Instruction Librarian at Cornell University. Lea came to FSU from Cornell in 1989 and held the position of Access Services Librarian until 2000 when she was promoted to the position of the Associate 导演 for 图书馆 Technology. 2013年,她被聘为FSU图书馆馆长. She has over thirty years of experience supervising library services and departments in an academic environment.



约翰Taube是阿勒格尼县图书馆系统的负责人. 他自2000年以来一直担任董事. 他和家人住在坎伯兰.



弗雷德·鲍威尔是缅街书店的老板, 1989年开业, 位于弗罗斯特堡市中心. 他定期与当地居民举行读书会和签售会, 地区和全国知名的作家和插画家. Main Street Books库存超过20种,000 titles in 45 categories including a vast collection of literary 小说, 诗歌和儿童文学. 鲍威尔是FrostburgFirst的董事会成员, 弗罗斯特堡市中心的主街重建计划, 以及FSU的联合校园部. Powell is active with the operation of the Frostburg Palace Theatre and is treasurer for The Palace's board of directors. 他和家人住在弗罗斯特堡.



斯蒂芬妮Marchbank is a sixteen-year veteran English 老师 in the Allegany County Public School System. 在她的职业生涯中, 她曾担任评估协调员和导师教师, 同时也是校长委员会的成员, 学校改善小组, 应急计划小组, 公共关系委员会, 奖学金委员会. Stephanie earned her Doctorate of Education in Educational 领导 in 2015. She has worked as an adjunct university professor at 澳门十大赌城官方网站 and volunteers in her church, 当地的食物银行, 以及她女儿学校的专利商标局成员. 除了她的CLA董事会成员, she serves on the Board of Trustees for the Allegany County 图书馆 System and the Western Maryland Food Bank in Frostburg. She has embraced various opportunities to talk to Maryland state representatives regarding topics in education and is currently serving as a committee member for a doctoral dissertation. Stephanie was named the 2015-2016 State VFW Teacher of the Year and the 2015-2016 Allegany County Teacher of the Year.



玛丽·安妮·卢茨持有B.A. 从拉萨尔大学获得硕士学位.A. 和Ph值.D. 来自罗格斯大学. 美国澳门十大赌城官方网站英语教授. 卢茨教授各种各样的课程, 包括跨大西洋浪漫主义文学和维多利亚文学, 妇女研究课程, 以及所有英语专业学生的顶点课程. 她是英语系实习协调员. Her current research project on Washington Irving places him the in the context of the bustling, 19世纪早期文化多样化的曼哈顿.


The Frostburg 文学艺术中心 staff is working hard to advocate the literary arts in the greater Frostburg 社区. 还有大学的英语系, the Center's staff is coordinating literary events on campus and beyond.



Browne's professional life has been devoted to the teaching of writing and to educational advocacy for underserved populations. She writes poetry 创造性非小说类 with a particular focus on nature, 环境, 科学, 和语言.



布拉德·巴克利 is the author of the novels Alison's Automotive Repair Manual (St. 马丁的)和钱, 爱(诺顿), which was named one of the best books of 2000 by the Washington Post and the 图书馆 Journal. Brad was named one of the "Breakthrough Writers You Need To Know" by Book Magazine. 他出版了两本短篇小说集, 环视(SMU出版社)和另一个完美的灾难(St. 马丁的). 他的短篇小说在近三十家杂志上发表过, 包括《弗吉尼亚季报, 让他两次获得艾米丽·鲍尔奇最佳小说奖. His work was anthologized in New Stories from the South: The Year's Best, 2002. 他的第一部青少年小说, 午夜炒鸡蛋, 与希瑟·海普勒合著, 于2006年5月由企鹅出版. 他的第二本青少年小说, 梦工厂, 2007年春季出版, 是图书馆协会的“月度之书”吗, pick" and voted the Texas Institute of Arts and Letters "Best Young Adult Book" for 2007.


安迪·邓肯是一名有12年工作经验的全职记者, 安迪·邓肯, 《贝鲁萨哈奇和其他故事》的作者, 从1996年开始出版短篇小说吗, winning two World Fantasy Awards and the Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award for best 科学 小说 story of the year. His nominations for Hugo, Nebula, World Fantasy, Bram Stoker and Shirley Jackson awards total 15. 即将上映的是Tor电视台的《澳门赌城官方网站》(On 20468 Petercook).com, and a second collection, The Pottawatomie Giant and Other Stories. 1994年毕业于Clarion West作家工作坊, he has taught at both Clarion West and Clarion and served as a juror for the Philip K. 迪克和雪莉·杰克逊奖.

Gerry LaFemina

Gerry LaFemina's six full-length collections of poetry include The Parakeets of Brooklyn, which received the 2003 Bordighera Prize and was published in a bilingual edition of English and Italian, 涂鸦的心, 这本书获得了安东尼·皮乔内/猛犸图书诗歌奖, 以及最近的《澳门十大赌城官方网站》(2011), Anhinga Press) His other books include two collections of prose poems and Wish List, 一本故事书. In 2013 two new books will be released: Notes for the Novice Ventriloquist (prose poems, Mayapple出版社)和《澳门赌城官方网站》(一部小说), Cordorus出版社). 著名作家, 编辑器, 老师, and literary arts activist LaFemina was nominated for the Michigan Governor's Arts Educator of the Year award in 2000, was a finalist for a Barnes and Noble Writers for Writers Award and was a nominee for the AWP George Garrett award for literary service. In 2012 he received the University System of Maryland Board of Regents Award for Service for his work at the Frostburg Center for Creative Writing.