
What is the Americans with Disabilities Act?

The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) is a federal law providing protection from discrimination for individuals with disabilities. The ADA guarantees access to employment, public 服务 provided by state and local government, 运输, 公共设施, 和电信.


The ADA defines a person with a disability as:

  • anyone with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, 比如走路, 看到, 听力, 说话, 呼吸, 学习, 和工作;
  • having a history of such an impairment; or
  • regarded by others as having such an impairment.

This definition covers a whole range of disabilities, including:

  • 失明和视觉障碍
  • 听力障碍
  • 流动障碍
  • 学习障碍
  • 心理问题
  • Chronic health impairments such as epilepsy, 糖尿病, 关节炎, 癌症, 心脏的问题, 艾滋病毒/艾滋病和其他

How is the ADA Different from other Laws?

The ADA is built upon Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Section 504 requires entities receiving federal funding to ensure equal access for persons with disabilities.

The ADA goes well beyond Section 504, extending coverage to private and state-funded institutions. The ADA complements and expands on Section 504 requirements, including more detailed employment provisions, 程序可访问性要求, and new standards for building construction and renovations.



Title I of the ADA prohibits an employer from discriminating against any employee or applicant with a disability. This applies to all aspects of employment, 包括招聘, 招聘, 促销活动, 好处, 评价, 和终止.

根据《澳门赌城官方网站》, 澳门十大赌城官方网站 shall provide reasonable accommodations for employees or applicants, 要求, to ensure that individuals with disabilities have equal access to employment opportunities. Some examples of accommodations may include:

  • 使工作场所无障碍
  • 购置或改装设备
  • 重组工作
  • 修改工作时间表
  • 提供读者或口译员

FSU has established procedures for handling accommodation requests for both employees and applicants. Complete copies of these procedures are included in the booklet entitled "The ADA and 就业," available from the Office of 人力资源 or the Director of 合规.

Title II - 可访问性 of 项目 and Activities Sponsored by Public Entities

Title II of the ADA mandates that all programs, 服务, and activities sponsored by a public entity must he accessible to persons with disabilities. As a state university, FSU is classified as a public entity and is covered under Title II.

在这个标题下, FSU is responsible for ensuring the accessibility of all events which are held on-campus and activities sponsored by the University at off-campus locations. 这些活动包括:

  • 戏剧或艺术表演
  • 讲座或研讨会
  • 体育和娱乐项目
  • 会议
  • convocation and commencement ceremonies

When sponsoring a program or event FSU is responsible for the following:

  • Providing Architectural Access - All University events must be physically accessible to persons with disabilities. The University must ensure that a site is accessible when planning and scheduling an event.
  • Providing Auxiliary Aids - The University shall provide auxiliary aids, 要求, to ensure communication accessibility for persons with disabilities. 例子包括:
    • 口译员
    • 扩声系统
    • 大字体或盲文材料
    • 封闭字幕设备

Title III - 可访问性 of 项目 and Activities Sponsored by Private Entities

Title III of the ADA imposes many of the same requirements as Title II, but this title applies to private entities.

While FSU is not directly covered under Title III, many of the organizations which rent space from the University or provide 服务 contractually to FSU are subject to Title III requirements. 根据《澳门赌城官方网站》, FSU is still responsible for ensuring that any program being offered in a University facility is physically accessible and that auxiliary aids are provided 要求.


Title IV of the ADA requires that telecommunication 服务 be made accessible to persons with 听力 and speech impairments, with specific requirements for the development of telecommunication relay systems and closed captioning technology.



  • the establishment of standards for new construction and renovation projects
  • attorneys' fees are to be awarded to prevailing parties in suits filed under ADA
  • federal agencies are to provide technical assistance on the ADA
  • states can be sued for violations of the ADA
  • other laws that provide greater or equal protection to persons with disabilities are not superseded by the ADA.


The University has appointed Director of 合规 (ADA/EEO and Immigration) to coordinate the University's efforts to fulfill its responsibilities under these laws. Any individuals with questions or complaints of violations should contact the Director of 合规.

Complaints will be handled following the University's internal grievance procedure for disability related issues. A complete copy of this procedure can be obtained from the Director of 合规.

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