Compensation & Classification

薪酬指的是工作的货币价值:工资和福利. Classification encompasses the job title, 职责 and responsibilities of the job, and based upon those, the pay range in which the job is placed.

在前苏联,澳门十大赌城官方网站的职责是确保薪酬和分类得到适当的调整, reflecting our compensation and classification program philosophy. 前苏联的制度是以工作为基础的:澳门十大赌城官方网站根据工作的要求来确定一个职位的薪酬和分类, not the degrees or experience an applicant or incumbent may possess.


  1. The compensation and classification system is market-based. Pay ranges and structures are reviewed every two years.
  2. 为了确保客观性和一致性,工作是根据彼此之间的关系进行评估的.
  3. Compensation is based on the market value of the job, its value to the institution, and its relationship to other jobs requiring similar knowledge, 技能, and abilities.
  4. 对工资结构的任何修订都将反映马里兰州目前的最低生活工资.


Current Exempt and Non-Exempt Salary Structures


  • Types of Positions


    Nonexempt Positions -《澳门十大赌城官方网站》的最低工资和加班费规定包括非豁免职位. In its simplest form, 这意味着非豁免雇员的工资必须不低于联邦最低工资,雇员有权要求加班费,如果他或她一周工作超过40小时.

    Exempt Positions -《澳门十大赌城官方网站》的最低工资和加班费规定不包括豁免职位. 这意味着,如果每周工作超过40小时,就没有资格申请加班费.

  • Pay Program at 前苏联

    At 前苏联, we manage nonexempt and exempt pay programs.

    Nonexempt Pay Program

    The USM nonexempt pay program implemented July 1, 1996年包括两个主要部分:薪酬结构和工作规格. Information on these components can be found on the website links below. 所有USM机构都必须使用书面规定的非豁免薪酬结构和工作规范. 只有USM在经过全系统薪酬和分类委员会的审查和建议后才能进行更改. Since 1996, 对薪酬结构和职位规格都作了若干修订,以确保两者都能反映当前的就业市场.

    USM Nonexempt Pay Program

    USM Job Specifications

    Exempt Pay Program

    Unlike the nonexempt pay program, 免薪计划没有在马里兰大学系统(USM)中使用的通用工作规范或分类。. 豁免工作的多样性和复杂性阻碍了适用于所有USM机构和项目的工作规范的发展. Consequently, 每个USM机构都可以灵活地开发和管理其豁免薪酬计划,以适应其使命, 大小, 和位置,只要它保持一致的优先补偿的理念.

    Exempt pay structures, however, do exist. UMB, UMBI, and UMUC use Traditional Salary Ranges. 传统的薪酬范围通常很窄,重新分类通常意味着将其转移到更高或更低的薪酬范围. 前苏联, along with BSU, 基督教社会联盟, SU, TU, UB, UMBC, 联华电子, UMCP, 假设前提, and USMO, uses a form of broad-banding referred to as Wide Salary Ranges. Broad-banding, as the title implies, is a system of fewer broad bands, each divided into three or more narrow ranges. 重新分类可能导致在宽带内从一个范围移动到另一个范围或移动到另一个宽带. 在大学本科教育制度下,两种薪酬结构的存在,反映出各院校的市场预期存在差异(请参阅 USM Office of Human Resources web site for more details).

  • Job Specifications vs. Job Descriptions

    工作说明书是对工作职责的一般性陈述. As noted above, USM为所有非豁免职位提供工作规范,而每个机构负责创建自己的豁免工作规范. 每个通用的工作规范都应该有一个详细的工作描述. 而规范则是适用于特定类别工作的工作职责的摘要, a job description details what an individual job does.

  • Reclassification

    重新分类审查是由员工和/或主管或部门主管发起对职位进行审查的请求的过程. To qualify for review, 该职位的主要目标必须发生重大变化, 职责, and responsibilities. 为了确定位置是否发生了变化,发起者提交一个 Reclass Request Form (RRF) 由部门副总裁签署,以及职位信息表/PIF (exempt/nonexempt) to the Office of Human Resources. 任何未经副总统签名的RRF将被退还给发起人.

    A reclassification review may result in one of the following actions:

    Job is reclassified to a higher or lower level.No change in the job classification and pay range, i.e. the job is determined to be properly classified.Job is re-titled, but the pay range remains the same.

  • Criteria for Reclassifying a Job

    重新分类位置的决定是基于知识中发生的重大变化, 技能, 以及满足职位基本职能所需的能力:这些变化是什么, how they occurred, 导致(或作为)职位变动的组织变动, and whether or not these changes are significant. It should be noted that volume of work, length of service with the university, and employee performance are not factors in reclassifying a position. If you think that your position is not correctly classified, 你应该把这件事提请你的顶头上司注意.

  • Salary Determination

    A salary determination is made by the Office of Human Resources, Compensation and Classification Specialist for a new or vacant position, 或者由于晋升或重新分类而要求调整员工的工资. In all cases, a Position Information Form/PIF (exempt/nonexempt) is required. To request a salary adjustment for an employee, in addition to the PIF, a Reclass Request Form (RRF) is required.

  • USM Committees Charged with Oversight of Compensation and Classification

    系统人力资源委员会(SHRC)由大学各院校的首席人力资源官组成. SHRC每月召开一次会议,制定政策和程序决定和建议, and to discuss, deliberate, and work to resolve a variety of human resource issues facing USM.

    分类和薪酬委员会(CCC)是SHRC的一个小组委员会,由USM内各机构的分类和薪酬分析师组成. Its responsibility is to review and recommend changes to USM pay programs.